FIMRC Virtual Chapter Trip Opportunities
Have you been wondering how you can continue working with your FIMRC Chapter even during school break? Then our Virtual Chapter Trip program is perfect for you!
FIMRC offers winter and spring break virtual trips exclusively to those participating in our Chapter programs. Each virtual trip will provide you with the opportunity to spend one or two weeks immersed in the field of global health and community while bonding with your Chapter group. There is no minimum or maximum limit for the Virtual Chapter Trip, so you may recruit as many members from your Chapter as you’d like.
About The Trip:
A tailored program is created for each participating FIMRC Chapter and offers the chance to learn about specific FIMRC project sites, what global health challenges they are facing, and how you can help. Students who participate will experience clinical opportunities such as virtual shadowing, an examination of medical case studies, as well as two custom-made sessions on a topic chosen by your FIMRC Chapter.
Not only will you be working hands-on in the field of global health, but the Virtual Chapter Trip offers you the chance to immerse yourself in the culture of one of our project sites around the globe, such as Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, or Uganda. Experience the beauty of the people, the community, and the culture with FIMRC’s virtual trip.
Virtual Chapter Trip Includes:
- Readings, videos, and discussions with on-site staff about current health problems at each project site.
- Hands-on experience contributing to volunteer projects for one of FIMRC’s project sites.
- Shadow physicians for consults and psychological observations.
- Immerse yourself in the culture of a FIMRC project site and learn about the community, traditions, food, language, and more!
Explore The World (Virtually) With FIMRC
FIMRC is offering 1-2 week-long Virtual Chapter Trips during winter break and spring break for participating FIMRC Chapters. If you or your Chapter is interested, email [email protected] or visit fimrc.org/chapters for more information.
Interested in volunteering abroad or participating in our virtual programs? Check them out below!
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