Preparing for Safe Travel
Feb 16, 2021As a nonprofit providing healthcare to medically underserved communities worldwide, FIMRC relies on our volunteers and on-site staff to continue serving our project sites. As we’ve transitioned to a virtual space this past year, FIMRC has not forgotten about the travel that connects our volunteers with communities. We are keeping a close eye on all travel restrictions as they relate to each government, and updating our social media and website with any new information that comes through.
While we wait patiently with anticipation for the moment travel opens again, here are a few tips on traveling safely once the gates are open.

Check your state and country travel guidelines to ensure you are eligible to travel and that your destination does not have any restrictions or quarantine measures in place once you arrive.
Check with your airline carrier for specific information about testing requirements as airlines may adopt their own policies.
Get tested 1-3 days before you travel and keep a copy of your test results on-hand. If you test positive for COVID-19, do not travel.
Check state, territorial, and local department websites to see if hospitals in the community of your destination are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.
If you are eligible, it is encouraged that you get fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before you travel and wait two weeks after your second dose to allow your body to build up protection.

Wear a mask or face covering over your nose and mouth when in public spaces. Masks and facial coverings are required by passengers on planes, buses, trains, and public transportation when traveling into, within, or out of the United States. Keep a few extra face coverings with you should you misplace one.
Avoid crowds and stay a minimum of 6 feet apart both indoors and outdoors from anyone outside of your travel party.
Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently.
Avoid contact with anyone who is sick or experiencing symptoms.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Improve ventilation by opening windows.
Spend time outdoors in fresh air when possible.
Get tested again 3-5 days after you return and self-quarantine for seven days after travel.
If you do not get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for a full 10 days after travel
Avoid contact with those considered high-risk for 14 days.
Keep track of your health and seek medical care if you present with COVID-19 symptoms.
For more information on COVID-19 and travel safety, visit cdc.gov and travel.state.gov. We can’t wait to travel again and be with our FIMRC Family! Stay safe and we’ll all be together again soon.

Interested in volunteering abroad or participating in our virtual programs? Check them out below!
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