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Stories About

Our Work

Getting Into Grad School blog fimrc fellow foundations in global health grad school graduate student mph virtual volunteer Sep 06, 2021

Here at FIMRC, we provide access to healthcare to underserved communities around the world, and volunteers come from near and far to help us with our mission. FIMRC has worked with a variety of volunteers passionate about global health and today, we are highlighting Keara Williams.  


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FIMRC's First-Ever Virtual Chapter Retreat blog fimrc chapters graduate student high school student undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Dec 17, 2020

FIMRC Hosted Our First-Ever Virtual Chapter Retreat Last Week, And What An Inspiring Jam-Packed Four Days It Was!

Chapter members from across the country joined us for the retreat. Participants varied from the president of a Chapter to general body members, from seniors at Lafayette College, a

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Which FIMRC Virtual Program is Best for Me? blog fimrc programs foundations in global health global health global health essentials graduate student high school student student explorer program undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Dec 10, 2020

From learning how to make a traditional dish in the Philippines to observing primary care consults at Project Alajuelita, Costa Rica, we offer you a once-in-a-lifetime virtual volunteer opportunity to learn about global health and to serve the medically underserved.

Are you interested i

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FIMRC Volunteers Make The World Go Round graduate student mph project bududa uganda virtual programs virtual volunteer Nov 19, 2020

At FIMRC, our operations are kept going by our incredible team and amazing volunteers that contribute to our project sites worldwide. While our project sites are usually funded by volunteers traveling to project sites in-person, FIMRC has adjusted to offering virtual volunteer programs, allowing

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FIMRC Volunteers Make The World Go Round blog foundations in global health graduate student undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Nov 19, 2020

At FIMRC, our operations are kept going by our incredible team and amazing volunteers that contribute to our project sites worldwide. While our project sites are usually funded by volunteers traveling to project sites in-person, FIMRC has adjusted to offering virtual volunteer programs, allowing

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FIMRC Virtual Chapter Trip Opportunities blog fimrc chapters foundations in global health global health global health essentials graduate student high school student student explorer program undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Nov 06, 2020


Have you been wondering how you can continue working with your FIMRC Chapter even during school break? Then our Virtual Chapter Trip program is perfect for you! 

FIMRC offers winter and spring break virtual trips exclusively to those participating in

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Virtual Chapter Retreats Connect You With The World chapters fimrc chapters graduate student high school student undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Nov 02, 2020


Tailored for students involved in FIMRC Chapters, this year’s Chapter Retreat has gone virtual. We may not be able to travel right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t connect with communities worldwide. 

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Introducing FIMRC Chapters chapters fimrc chapters foundations in global health global health essentials graduate student high school student student explorer program undergraduate student Sep 24, 2020


As the 2020-2021 school gets underway, many students will be going “back” to campus through virtual or hybrid learning models. And this new way of learning and attending school also means clubs and groups, including the more than 70

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Virtual Volunteers Share What It’s Like to Make a Global Impact From Home costa rica dominican republic foundations in global health global health global health essentials graduate student high school student peru project alajuelita project bududa project huancayo project restauración student explorer program uganda undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Jul 02, 2020

For the past few months, our Virtual Volunteer Programs have been creating opportunities to make a lasting impact on FIMRC’s sites and the communities we serve while volunteering from home. Since our virtual programs first started, we’ve had volunteers from all backgrounds join us, including nur

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Questions about Volunteering from Home? We’ve Got Answers! costa rica foundations in global health global health essentials graduate student high school student medical professional medical student project alajuelita project bududa student explorer program uganda undergraduate student virtual programs virtual volunteer Jun 18, 2020

At FIMRC, we are known by partners, students, and all our volunteers for our ethical, grassroots programs that ensure all our volunteers have a meaningful and impactful experience on-site. We offer opportunities to learn how to diagnose, treat, and prevent some of the greatest global issues of o

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